Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Chores - 11/22/09

One thing about being rich has GOT TO BE having someone pack for you and do all those things that have to be done BEFORE you leave on a Thanksgiving trip. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to reap the "bounty." No pun intended, of course. So, here I sit after nearly four hours on the computer, with lots of things I have to do before Wednesday. One thing I hope for, in this day and time, is that everyone has something they are truly grateful for; hopefully, there are many things.

I'm going to see my children (Kelly and Aaron) in Tampa. Molly, my beautiful long-hair calico (age 5), must stay behind.

Of course, Toby, my handsome (albeit chunky) Boston Terrier, will travel alongside, keeping me company (listening to my comments, singing and occasional road rage) on the upcoming 3-1/2-hour drive. He is my constant, unfailingly warm & wonderful, intelligent friend (of nearly 11 years now). I am dreading the day of our parting. More than words can describe here. Right now, he is recupperating from a grid keratotomy of his right eye. I have no idea how he got the corneal abrasion, but nearly 4 weeks and almost $800 later, he still needs four drops in his eye four times per day, plus pain meds. He is being treated with kid gloves right now, and I can only hope he knows I am trying to make him better. I think he does.

The cichlids and gouramis and pleicos, etc. will all partake of their weekend feeders until my return. But I have to clean out their pumps, change the filters and replace some water. Wait, did you hear that groaning noise?

I really have to get started on all this . . . Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One day in the 70's

The frown was lifted as you very gently sifted my soul.
And so there you were, panning for gold in the depths of my heart.
You'd been rich from the start - but you never knew.